

Ryan Cagle

To know God is to work for justice. There is no other path to reach God.
-Gustavo Gutierrez

Ryan Cagle is a lot... of things depending on who you ask, but some of those things include:

Partner to Jordan Lee, Father to feral children, (Com)post-theist,Liberationist, Designer of weird tabletop roleplaying games,Mad farmer, Lover of justice, Appalachian, Spiritual Director,Abolitionist, Pentecostal AF, Haphazard Artist,Community Organizer, Anarchist, Bibliophile,Backwoods Pastor, Proud Trailer Trash, and Grad student pursuing degress in Social Transformationand Eco-Justice.


  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • Anarchism
  • Liberation Theology
  • Harm Reduction
  • Mycelium
  • Climate Resilience
  • Popular Education
  • Mutual Aid

Entanglements (Cont.)

  • Appalachia
  • Compost
  • Process Philosophy
  • Abolition
  • Contemplation
  • Food Sovereignty
  • SolarPUNK
  • Ecological Overshoot

Rhizomorphic Threads

Let's Connect Elsewhere!

Recent Sermon:

Here Be Monsters: a sermon on Jonah 1_1-17; 3_1-10, 4_1-11

Recent Blog:

Toward a Theology of De/composition

Read full post Here!